
Tuuci is globally renowned for designing and creating the ultimate solution for premium quality outdoor umbrellas.

Shading the most prestigious restaurants and luxurious hotels in the world, their designs are highly regarded for exceptional performance in challenging coastal climates and strong winds.

When it comes to choosing the very best parasol for your outdoor living retreat (and if compromise is not a consideration for you), Tuuci is by far the best investment.

The brand, based in Miami, draws inspiration from sailing and engineering expertise to create shade solutions that are not only robust and resilient but also aesthetically pleasing.

Customisation is a delicious range of cantilever and parasol sizes and styles, with an extensive range of mast and strut finishes, canopy enhancements, lifting mechanisms, and anchoring solutions, resulting in a truly unique design.

Tuuci offers the best warranties in the industry, ensuring your investment not only significantly surpasses the look and functionality of what other umbrellas do, its longevity is protected with reassuring guarantees for your peace of mind.

Osier Belle & Tucci Parasols

As a long-standing representative and one of the few chosen to be an exclusive Tuuci retailer for Sydney, Australia, Osier Belle boasts an exceptional understanding of the Tuuci product line.

If you’re seeking expert assistance in selecting the appropriate product and specifications, you’ve come to the right place.

Osier Belle has developed an exclusive tool called ShadeSketch, which has been specifically designed to help customers predict the amount of shade their chosen product will provide based on their location, orientation, time of day, day of year.

Tucci Wind Tunnel Performance

If you like the streamlined design of TUUCI shade products, you can thank aerodynamics and wind tunnel testing.

Watch the video to take a closer look at the wind tunnel testing done on various TUUCI products.

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